Estate and Generational Planning
We know that family comes first.
Your parents raised you to be the person you are today. And now, as they are aging, it’s your turn to help them maintain their lifetime of achievements. At the same time, you’re looking to the next generation, nurturing your own children – perhaps grandchildren – and encouraging them to do and be their best.
At Transform Wealth, we understand the vital importance of maintaining and transferring values and assets between generations. That’s why we offer services aimed at helping families work through the issues that can wreak havoc among family members. Whether you are caring for aging parents, trying to raise fiscally responsible children, or planning for long-term financial objectives in your community, Transform Wealth has financial planning services in place to guide and assist you. Our ability to anticipate problems, stress-test long term plans and share similar experiences of others can help you meet the needs of every generation in your family, ensuring that years from now you’ll be able to look back at your accomplishments with great satisfaction. And over the decades, our well-honed ability to facilitate inter-generational family gatherings has allowed our clients to take advantage of our skills in coaching others they care so much about.
Estate planning can be difficult to understand with complex rules, tax regulations and legal verbiage that can be incredibly confusing. And we also know it can be a sensitive subject. We are experts at navigating not only the legal and technical aspects of estate planning, but also at understanding behavioral aspects and complexities. We know that family comes first, and we can be your guide through the intricacies of creating powers of attorney, trusts, wills and other estate planning items.